4 Behaviors
Shared by the Best Bosses.
I've been
conducting a series of workshops on effective leadership. They are based on
research that has helped us discover the behaviors that are displayed by the
most effective leaders. Interestingly, it doesn't matter which sector these
leaders come from - business, government, education, nonprofits. Effective
leader behaviors are quite consistent across different types of leaders. See
how your boss (or you) measure(s) up.
Expectations and Attitude. I've written
before about the Pygmalion Effect - the notion that simply holding
positive expectations about your team's performance will create a
self-fulfilling prophecy and lead to high levels of performance. But there's
more to it than that. Effective leaders are also optimistic and upbeat. They
exude confidence, in their own leadership, and in the competencies and
capabilities of their teams.
Fairness. There are two types of justice.
Distributive justice is based on outcomes. Do people get rewards and
recognition that fairly reflects their contributions? The second type is
procedural justice. Is the leader fair and impartial in how rewards and
recognition are decided? Both are important.
Authenticity. Good leader-follower relationships are
built on trust, and nothing builds trust more than a leader who is
straightforward and "authentic." Authentic leaders don't
have hidden agendas. They let people know exactly what they are trying to do,
and how they are trying to accomplish it. Good leaders are honest. They don't
expect others to do anything they wouldn't do, and they embody the mission of
the group or organization. As they say, good leaders "walk the talk."
Communication. This is
seemingly simple, but the very best leaders communicate effectively and they
communicate constantly. They inform, clarify, and connect. Unfortunately, too
many leaders undercommunicate (I often say that it's impossible for a leader to
"overcommunicate"). They assume followers know more than they do.
They assume that "if I've told them once, they know and understand."
Repetition is important.
communication underlies all of the other behaviors - you need to communicate
positive expectations and attitude, explain clearly procedures and the
rationale for policies, and develop good, solid interpersonal relationships
with those you lead.
Use a
leadership model to guide you. The model
I find most effective is transformational leadership, because it is
relationship-based and built on empowering team members.
Devote time
each week to developing your leadership. "Leadership is a journey, not a destination." The best
leaders work at it, and work hard.
Get feedback. Find out what you do right, and what
you can improve.
Work hard. There are best leadership practices.
Learn what these are and work hard to develop them in yourself.
Article by Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D. in Cutting-Edge Leadership
Published on June 7, 2011
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